College Physics by Openstax Chapter 2 Problem 9

On May 26, 1934, a streamlined, stainless steel diesel train called the Zephyr set the world’s nonstop long-distance speed record for trains. Its run from Denver to Chicago took 13 hours, 4 minutes, 58 seconds, and was witnessed by more than a million people along the route. The total distance traveled was 1633.8 km. What was its average speed in km/h and m/s?


The total time of travel is converted to seconds.

\text{t} & =\left(13\:\text{h}\:\times \frac{3600\:\text{s}}{1\:\text{hr}}\right)+\left(4\:\text{mins}\:\times \frac{60\:\text{s}}{1\:\min }\right)+58\:\sec \\
\text{t} & =47\:098\:\text{seconds}

The total time of travel in hours

 \text{t}=\left(47\:098\:\text{seconds}\right)\left(\frac{1\:\text{h}}{3600\:\sec }\right)=13.0828\:\text{hours}

Therefore, the average speed in km/hr is

\text{speed in km/hr} & =\frac{\text{distance traveled}}{\text{time}} \\
& =\frac{1633.8\:\text{km}}{13.0828\:\text{hr}} \\
& =124.88\:\text{km/hr} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

And the average speed in m/s is

\text{speed in m/s} & =\frac{1\:633\:800\:\text{m}}{47\:098\:\text{s}} \\
& =34.689\:\text{m/s} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right) \\
