Elementary Differential Equations de la Fuente, Feliciano and Uy

Separation of Variables| Elementary Differential Equations|dela Fuente, Feliciano, and Uy|Problem 1

Find the solution of the following differential equation: 








\int \frac{ydy}{4+y^2\:}-\int \frac{xdx}{1-x^2}=\int 0

There are two integrals, and we will perform them separately.

For \int \frac{ydy}{4+y^2\:}

Let u=4+y^2, so du=2ydy

\int \:\frac{ydy}{4+y^2}=\int \:\frac{\frac{1}{2}du}{u}=\frac{1}{2}\int \:\frac{du}{u}



For \int \:\frac{xdx}{1-x^2}

Let v=1-x^2, so dv=-2xdx

\int \:\frac{xdx}{1-x^2}=\int \:\frac{-\frac{1}{2}dv}{v}=-\frac{1}{2}\int \:\frac{dv}{v}



Therefore, the solution to the original differential equation is 


Simplify the answer




