College Physics by Openstax Chapter 2 Problem 43

A basketball referee tosses the ball straight up for the starting tip-off. At what velocity must a basketball player leave the ground to rise 1.25 m above the floor in an attempt to get the ball?


It is our assumption that the player attempts to get the ball at the top where the velocity is zero.

The given are the following: v_{fy}=0 \ \text{m/s}; \Delta y=1.25 \ \text{m}; and a=-9.80 \ \text{m/s}^2.

We are required to solve for the initial velocity v_{0y} of the player. We are going to use the formula

\left(v_{fy}\right)^2=\left(v_{oy}\right)^2+2a\Delta y

Solving for v_{oy} in terms of the other variables:

v_{oy}=\sqrt{\left(v_{fy}\right)^2-2a\Delta y}

Substituting the given values:

v_{oy} & =\sqrt{\left(v_{fy}\right)^2-2a\Delta y} \\
v_{oy} & = \sqrt{\left(0\:\text{m/s}\right)^2-2\left(-9.80\:\text{m/s}^2\right)\left(1.25\:\text{m}\right)} \\
v_{oy} & =4.95 \ \text{m/s} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)
