College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 1

A 63.0-kg sprinter starts a race with an acceleration of 4.20 m/s2. What is the net external force on him?


So, we are given mass, m = 63.0 \ \text{kg} , and acceleration, a = 4.20 \ \text{m/s}^2.

The net force has a formula 


Substituting the given values, we have

F & = \left( 63.0 \ \text{kg} \right)\left( 4.20 \ \text{m/s}^2 \right) \\
F & = 265 \  \text{kg}\cdot \text{m/s}^2 \\
F & = 265 \ \text{N} \ \qquad \ {\color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)}
