College Physics by Openstax Chapter 6 Problem 24

Centripetal Force of a Rotating Wind Turbine Blade


Calculate the centripetal force on the end of a 100 m (radius) wind turbine blade that is rotating at 0.5 rev/s. Assume the mass is 4 kg.


We are given the following values:

  • radius, r=100\ \text{m}
  • angular velocity, \omega = 0.5\ \text{rev/sec}\times \frac{2\pi \ \text{rad}}{1\ \text{rev}} = 3.1416\ \text{rad/sec}
  • mass, m=4\ \text{kg}

Centripetal force F_c is any force causing uniform circular motion. It is a “center-seeking” force that always points toward the center of rotation. It is perpendicular to linear velocity v and has magnitude F_c = m a_c which can also be expressed as

F_c = m \frac{v^2}{r} \quad \text{or} \quad \ F_c = mr \omega^2 

For this particular problem, we are going to use the formula F_c = mr \omega^2. If we substitute the given values, we have

F_c & =mr \omega^2 \\ \\
F_c & = \left( 4\ \text{kg} \right)\left( 100\ \text{m} \right)\left( 3.1416\ \text{rad/sec} \right)^2 \\ \\
F_c & = 3947.8602\ \text{N} \\ \\
F_c & = 4 \times 10^3\ \text{N}\ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

The centripetal force on the end of the wind turbine blade is approximately 4 \times 10^3\ \text{N}.
