Tag Archives: concurrent force system

Statics 3.6 – Equilibrium of Truss Members Connected to a Gusset Plate | Hibbeler 14th Edition

The gusset plate is subjected to the forces of three members. Determine the tension force in member C and its angle θ for equilibrium. The forces are concurrent at point O. Take F=8 kN.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler Problem 3-5 Equilibrium of Truss Members Connected in a Gusset Plate

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Statics 3.3 – Solving for the magnitude and direction of a force for equilibrium | Hibbeler 14th Edition

Determine the magnitude and direction θ of F so that the particle is in equilibrium.

Statics 14E Problem 3.3 Forces in Equilibrium with unknown force and its direction


Free-body Diagram:

Equilibrium Equation:

Summation of forces in the x-direction:

\xrightarrow{+} \: \sum F_x & = 0 & \\
5 \: \text{kN}+F \sin \theta - 8 \: \text {kN} \cos 30 \degree - 4\: \text{kN} \cos 60 \degree & = 0  & \\
F \sin \theta &= 3.9282  & (1)


Summation of forces in the y-direction:

+\uparrow \sum F_y & = 0  &\\
8 \sin 30 \degree - 4 \sin 60 \degree - F \cos \theta & =0 &\\
F \cos \theta & = 0.5359 & (2)\\


We now have two equations. Divide Eq (1) by (2)

\dfrac{F \sin \theta}{F \cos \theta}  &= \dfrac{3.9282}{0.5359} \\

\dfrac{ \sin \theta}{ \cos \theta} & = 7.3301 \\ 


We know that \tan \theta = \dfrac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} :

\tan \theta &=7.3301 \\
\theta & = \tan^{-1}7.3301\\
\textcolor{blue}\theta & \textcolor{blue}{=82.2\degree}\\

Substituting this result to equation (1), we have

F\sin 82.2 \degree & = 3.9282 \\
\textcolor{blue}F & \textcolor{blue}{=3.96 \ \text{kN}}

Statics 3.2 – Equilibrium of Truss Members that are Pin Connected | Hibbeler 14th Edition

The members of a truss are pin connected at joint O. Determine the magnitude of F1 and its angle θ for equilibrium. Set F2=6 kN.

Figure 3.1: Engineering Mechanics: Statics Equilibrium of Particle
Figure 3.1/3.2


Free-body diagram:

Free-body-diagram-for-Problem-3.2 of Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Russell C. Hibbeler

Equations of Equilibrium:

The summation of forces in the x-direction:

\sum F_x & = 0 &\\
6 \sin 70 \degree + F_1 \cos \theta - 5 \cos 30 \degree - \dfrac {4}{5} \left(7 \right) & = 0 & \\
 F_1 \cos \theta & = 4.2920 & (1)

The summation of forces in the y-direction:

\sum F_y & =0 & \\
6 \cos 70 \degree+5 \sin 30 \degree - F_1 \sin \theta - \dfrac{3}{5} \left( 7 \right ) & =0 & \\
F_1 \sin \theta &=0.3521 & (2)\\

We came up with 2 equations with unknowns F_1 and \theta . To solve the equations simultaneously, we can use the method of substitution.

Using equation 1, solve for F_1 in terms of \theta .

F_1 \cos \theta & = 4.2920  &\\
F_1 & =\dfrac{4.2920}{ \cos \theta } & (3) \\

Now, substitute this equation (3) to equation (2).

F_1 \sin \theta & = 0.3521 \\
\left ( \dfrac {4.2920}{\cos \theta} \right) \sin \theta & =0.3521 \\
4.2920 \cdot \dfrac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} & = 0.3521 \\
4.2920 \tan \theta & = 0.3521 \\
\tan \theta & = \dfrac{0.3521}{4.2920} \\
\theta &= \tan ^{-1} \dfrac{0.3521}{4.2920} \\
\theta & = 4.69 \degree


Substitute the solved value of \theta to equation (3).

F_1 & = \dfrac{4.2920}{\cos \theta} \\
F_1 &= \dfrac{4.2920}{\cos 4.69 \degree} \\
F_1 & = 4.31 \text{kN}

Therefore, the answers to the questions are:

F_1= & \:4.31 \: \text {kN} \\
\theta = & \: 4.69 \degree