Tag Archives: dynamics

College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 8

What is the deceleration of the rocket sled if it comes to rest in 1.1 s from a speed of 1000 km/h? (Such deceleration caused one test subject to black out and have temporary blindness.)


We are given the following: v_{0}=1000 \ \text{km/h}, v_{f}=0 \ \text{km/h}, \Delta t = 1.1 \ \text{s}.

The acceleration is computed as the change in velocity divided by the change in time.

a & = \frac{\Delta v}{\Delta t} \\
a & = \frac{v_{f}-v_{o}}{\Delta t} \\
a & = \frac{\left( 0\ \text{km/h}-1000 \ \text{km/h} \right)\left( \frac{1000 \ \text{m}}{1\ \text{km}} \right) \left( \frac{1\ \text{h}}{3600\ \text{s}} \right)}{1.1\ \text{s}} \\
a & = -252.5\ \text{m/s}^2 \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)\\


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 7

(a) If the rocket sled shown in Figure 4.31 starts with only one rocket burning, what is the magnitude of its acceleration? Assume that the mass of the system is 2100 kg, the thrust T is 2.4 \times 10^{4} N, and the force of friction opposing the motion is known to be 650 N. (b) Why is the acceleration not one-fourth of what it is with all rockets burning?


Considering the direction of motion as the positive direction, we are given the following: T=2.4 \times 10^4 \ \text{N}, f=-650 \ \text{N}, and mass, m=2100 \ \text{kg}.

Part A. The magnitude of the acceleration can be computed using Newton’s Second Law of Motion.

\Sigma F & =ma \\
2.4\times 10^4 \ \text{N}-650 \ \text{N} & = 2100 \ \text{kg}\times a \\
23350 & = 2100 a \\
\frac{23350}{2100} & = \frac{\cancel{2100} a}{\cancel{2100}} \\
a & = \frac{23350}{2100} \\
a & = 11 \ \text{m/s}^2 \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

Part B. The acceleration is not one-fourth of what it was with all rockets burning because the frictional force is still as large as it was with all rockets burning. \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 6

The same rocket sled drawn in Figure 4.30 is decelerated at a rate of 196 m/s2. What force is necessary to produce this deceleration? Assume that the rockets are off. The mass of the system is 2100 kg.


Since the rockets are off, the only force acting on the sled is the friction f. This force is against the direction of motion. By using Newton’s Second Law of Motion, we have.

\Sigma F & = ma \\
-f & = ma \\
-f & = \left( 2100 \ \text{kg} \right)\left( -196 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \right) \\
-f & = -411600 \ \text{N} \\
f & = 411600 \ \text{N} \\ 
f & = 411.6 \ \text{kN} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

The force necessary to produce the given deceleration is 411.6 kN.


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 5

In Figure 4.7, the net external force on the 24-kg mower is stated to be 51 N. If the force of friction opposing the motion is 24 N, what force F (in newtons) is the person exerting on the mower? Suppose the mower is moving at 1.5 m/s when the force F is removed. How far will the mower go before stopping?

Figure for College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 5: A person is pushing a mower to the right.


We can isolate the mower and expose the forces acting on it. This is the free-body diagram.

The free-body diagram of the mower: the force F exerted by the person and the friction force f exerted by the ground on the mower.

There are two forces acting on the mower in the horizontal directions:

  1. \textbf{F}:This is the force exerted by the person on the mower, and it is going to the right. This is the first unknown in the problem. We treat this as a positive force since it is directed to the right. The value of this force is F=51 \ \text{N}
  2. \textbf{f}: This is the friction force directed opposite the motion of the mower. We treat this as a negative force because it is directed to the left. The value of this force is f=24 \ \text{N}.

Part A. The third force in the figure is the net force, F_{net}. This is the vector sum of the forces F and f. That is

F_{net} & =F-f \\
51 \ \text{N} & = F-24 \ \text{N} \\
F & = 51 \ \text{N} +24 \ \text{N} \\
F & = 75 \ \text{N} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

The person should exert a force of 75 N to produce a net force of 51 N.

Part B. When the force F is removed, the friction is now the only force acting on the mower. The friction is acting opposite the direction of motion. The direction of motion is indicated by the blue arrow in the figure below, and the friction force is the red arrow.

The free-body diagram of the mower when force F is removed.

Using Newton’s Second Law, we can solve for the deceleration of the mower.

\Sigma F & = ma \\
-24 \ \text{N} & = \left( 24 \ \text{kg} \right) \ a \\
\frac{-24 \ \text{N}}{24 \ \text{kg}} & = \frac{\cancel{24 \ \text{kg}}\ \ a}{\cancel{24 \ \text{kg}}} \\
a & = \frac{-24 \ \text{N}}{24 \ \text{kg}} \\
a & = -1 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \\

Using this deceleration computed above, we can solve for the distance traveled by the mower before coming to stop.

\left( v_{f} \right)^{2} & = \left( v_{o} \right)^{2}+2a\Delta x \\
\left( 0 \ \text{m/s} \right)^{2} & = \left( 1.5 \ \text{m/s} \right)^{2}+2\left( -1 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \right)\Delta x \\
 0 & = 2.25-2 \Delta x \\
2 \Delta x & = 2.25 \\
\frac{\cancel{2}\Delta x}{\cancel{2}} & =\frac{2.25}{2} \\
\Delta x & = 1.125 \ \text{m} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 4

Since astronauts in orbit are apparently weightless, a clever method of measuring their masses is needed to monitor their mass gains or losses to adjust diets. One way to do this is to exert a known force on an astronaut and measure the acceleration produced. Suppose a net external force of 50.0 N is exerted and the astronaut’s acceleration is measured to be 0.893 m/s2. (a) Calculate her mass. (b) By exerting a force on the astronaut, the vehicle in which they orbit experiences an equal and opposite force. Discuss how this would affect the measurement of the astronaut’s acceleration. Propose a method in which recoil of the vehicle is avoided.


We are given the following: \sum F = 50.0 \ \text{N}, and a=0.893 \ \text{m/s}^{2}.

Part A. We can solve for the mass, m by using Newton’s second law of motion.

\sum F & = ma \\
50.0 \ \text{N} & = m \left( 0.893 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \right) \\
m & = \frac{50.0 \ \text{N}}{0.893 \ \text{m/s}^{2}} \\
m & = 56.0 \ \text{kg}\ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)

Part B. The measured acceleration is equal to the sum of the accelerations of the astronauts and the ship. That is


If a force acting on the astronaut came from something other than the spaceship, the spaceship would not undergo a recoil. \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 3

A cleaner pushes a 4.50-kg laundry cart in such a way that the net external force on it is 60.0 N. Calculate its acceleration.


From Newton’s Second Law of Motion, \sum F =ma. Substituting the given values, we have

\sum F & = ma \\
60.0 \ \text{N} & = \left( 4.50 \ \text{kg} \right) \ a \\
a & = \frac{60.0 \ \text{N}}{4.50 \ \text{kg}} \\
a & = 13.3 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Problem 2

If the sprinter from the previous problem accelerates at that rate for 20 m, and then maintains that velocity for the remainder of the 100-m dash, what will be his time for the race?


Solving for the time it takes to reach the first 20 meters.

\Delta x & =v_{0}t+\frac{1}{2}at^{2} \\
20 \ \text{m} & = \left( 0 \ \text{m/s} \right)t + \frac{1}{2}\left( 4.20 \ \text{m/s}^{2} \right)t^{2} \\
20 & = 2.1 t^{2} \\
\frac{20}{2.1}& = \frac{\cancel{2.1} \ t^{2}}{\cancel{2.1}} \\
t^{2} & = 9.5238 \\
\sqrt{t^{2}} & = \sqrt{9.5238} \\
t_{1} & = 3.09 \ \text{s}

We can compute the velocity of the sprinter at the end of the first 20 meters.

v^2 & = v_{0}^2 + 2ax \\
v^2 & = \left( 0 \ \text{m/s} \right)^2 + 2\left( 4.20 \ \text{m/s}^2 \right) \left( 20 \ \text{m} \right) \\
v & = \sqrt{2\left( 4.20 \right)\left( 20 \right)} \ \text{m/s} \\
v & = 12.96 \ \text{m/s}

For the remaining 80 meters, the sprinter has a constant velocity of 12.96 m/s. The sprinter’s time to run the last 80 meters can be computed as follows.

\Delta x & = vt \\
80 \ \text{m} & = \left( 12.96 \  \text{m/s} \right)\  t_{2} \\
\frac{80 \ \text{m}}{12.96 \ \text{m/s}} & =\frac{\cancel{12.96 \ \text{m/s} } \ \ t_{2}}{\cancel{12.96 \ \text{m/s}}} \\
t_{2} & = \frac{80}{12.96} \ \text{s} \\
t_{2} & = 6.17 \ \text{s} \\

The sprinter’s total time, t_{T}, to finish the 100-m race is the sum of the two times.

t_{T} & = t_{1} + t_{2} \\
t_{T} & = 3.09 \ \text{s} + 6.17 \ \text{s} \\
t_{T} & = 9.26 \ \text{s} \ \qquad \ \color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)


College Physics by Openstax Chapter 2 Problem 55

Suppose you drop a rock into a dark well and, using precision equipment, you measure the time for the sound of a splash to return.
(a) Neglecting the time required for sound to travel up the well, calculate the distance to the water if the sound returns in 2.0000 s.
(b) Now calculate the distance taking into account the time for sound to travel up the well. The speed of sound is 332.00 m/s in this well.


Part A

Figure A

Consider Figure A.

We shall consider two points for our solution. First, position 1 is the top of the well. In this position, we know that y1=0, t1=0 and vy1=0.

Position 2 is located at the top of the water table where the rock will meet the water. Since we neglect the time for the sound to travel from position 2 to position 1, we can say that t2=2.0000 s, the time of the rock to reach this position.

Solving for the value of y2 will determine the distance between the two positions.


\Delta y & = v_{y_1}t+\frac{1}{2}at^2  \\
y_2-y_1 & = v_{y_1}t+\frac{1}{2}at^2  \\
y_2 & = y_1 +v_{y_1}t+\frac{1}{2}at^2  \\
y_2 & = 0+0+\frac{1}{2}\left( -9.81\ \text{m/s}^2 \right)\left( 2.0000\ \text{s} \right)^2 \\
y_2 & = -19.6\ \text{m} \qquad {\color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer }\right)}


Position 2 is 19.6 meters measured downward from position 1.

\therefore The distance to the water is about 19.6 meters.

Part B

For this case, the 2.0000 seconds that is given includes the time that the rock travels from position 1 to position 2, tr, and the time that the sound travels from position 2 to position 1, ts.

t_r+t_s & =2.0000\ \text{s} \\
t_s & = 2.0000\ \text{s}-t_r 

Considering the motion of the rock from position 1 to position 2.


\Delta y & = v_{y_1}t_r+\frac{1}{2}a\left( t_r \right)^2  \\
y_2-y_1 & = v_{y_1}t_r+\frac{1}{2}a\left( t_r \right)^2  \\
y_2 & = y_1 +v_{y_1}t_r+\frac{1}{2}a\left( t_r \right)^2  \\
y_2 & = 0+0+\frac{1}{2}\left( -9.81\ \text{m/s}^2 \right)\left( t_r \right)^2  \\
y_2 & = -4.905\left( t_r \right)^2  \qquad {\color{Blue} \text{Equation 1}}\\


Now, let us consider the motion of the sound from position 2 to position 1. Sound is assumed to have a constant velocity of 322.00 m/s.


\Delta y & = v_s \times t_s \\
y_1-y_2 & =\left( 322.00\ \text{m/s} \right)\left( t_s \right) \\
0-y_2 & =\left( 322.00 \right)\left( 2.0000-t_r \right) \\
y_2 & = -322.00\left( 2.0000-t_r \right) \qquad  {\color{Blue} \text{Equation 2}}


So, we have two equations from the two motions. We can solve the equations simultaneously.


-4.905 \left( t_r \right)^2 & = -322.00\left( 2.0000-t_r \right) \\
4.905 \left( t_r \right)^2 & =322.00\left( 2.0000-t_r \right) \\
4.905 \left( t_r \right)^2 & = 644.00-322.00t_r \\
4.905\left( t_r \right)^2 + 322.00t_r-644.00 & = 0 \\


We can solve the quadratic formula using the quadratic equation.


t_r & = \frac{-b \pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} \\
t_r & = \frac{-322.00\pm\sqrt{\left( 322.00 \right)^2-4\left( 4.905 \right)\left( -644.00 \right)}}{2\left( 4.905 \right)}\\
t_r & =1.9425 \ \text{s}


Now that we have solved for the value of tr, we can use this to solve for y2 using either Equation 1 or Equation 2. We will use equation 1.


y_2 & = -4.905\left( t_r \right)^2 \\
y_2 & = -4.905 \left( 1.9425 \right)^2 \\
y_2 & =-18.5 \ \text{m} \qquad {\color{DarkOrange} \left( \text{Answer} \right)}


Position 2 is about 18.5 meters below position 1.

\therefore In this case, the distance between the two positions is 18.5 meters.

Solution Guides to College Physics by Openstax Chapter 5 Banner

Chapter 5: Further Applications of Newton’s Laws: Friction, Drag, and Elasticity



Problem 1

Problem 2

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Problem 18

Problem 19


Drag Forces

Problem 20

Problem 21

Problem 22

Problem 23

Problem 24

Problem 25

Problem 26

Problem 27

Problem 28


Elasticity: Stress and Strain

Problem 29

Problem 30

Problem 31

Problem 32

Problem 33

Problem 34

Problem 35

Problem 36

Problem 37

Problem 38

Problem 39

Problem 40

Problem 41

Problem 42

Problem 43

Problem 44


Solution Guides to College Physics by Openstax Chapter 4 Banner

Chapter 4: Dynamics: Force and Newton’s Laws of Motion


Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Concept of a System

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14


Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Symmetry in Forces

Problem 15

Problem 16


Normal, Tension, and Other Example of Forces

Problem 17

Problem 18

Problem 19

Problem 20

Problem 21

Problem 22


Problem Solving Strategies

Problem 23

Problem 24

Problem 25

Problem 26

Problem 27

Problem 28

Problem 29

Problem 30

Problem 31

Problem 32

Problem 33

Problem 34

Problem 35

Problem 36

Problem 37

Problem 38

Problem 39


Further Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Problem 40

Problem 41

Problem 42

Problem 43

Problem 44

Problem 45

Problem 46

Problem 47

Problem 48

Problem 49

Problem 50

Problem 51


Further Applications of Newton’s Laws of Motion

Problem 52

Problem 53

Problem 54
