Tag Archives: RC Hibbeler

Statics 3.3 – Solving for the magnitude and direction of a force for equilibrium | Hibbeler 14th Edition

Determine the magnitude and direction θ of F so that the particle is in equilibrium.

Statics 14E Problem 3.3 Forces in Equilibrium with unknown force and its direction


Free-body Diagram:

Equilibrium Equation:

Summation of forces in the x-direction:

\xrightarrow{+} \: \sum F_x & = 0 & \\
5 \: \text{kN}+F \sin \theta - 8 \: \text {kN} \cos 30 \degree - 4\: \text{kN} \cos 60 \degree & = 0  & \\
F \sin \theta &= 3.9282  & (1)


Summation of forces in the y-direction:

+\uparrow \sum F_y & = 0  &\\
8 \sin 30 \degree - 4 \sin 60 \degree - F \cos \theta & =0 &\\
F \cos \theta & = 0.5359 & (2)\\


We now have two equations. Divide Eq (1) by (2)

\dfrac{F \sin \theta}{F \cos \theta}  &= \dfrac{3.9282}{0.5359} \\

\dfrac{ \sin \theta}{ \cos \theta} & = 7.3301 \\ 


We know that \tan \theta = \dfrac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} :

\tan \theta &=7.3301 \\
\theta & = \tan^{-1}7.3301\\
\textcolor{blue}\theta & \textcolor{blue}{=82.2\degree}\\

Substituting this result to equation (1), we have

F\sin 82.2 \degree & = 3.9282 \\
\textcolor{blue}F & \textcolor{blue}{=3.96 \ \text{kN}}

Statics 3.2 – Equilibrium of Truss Members that are Pin Connected | Hibbeler 14th Edition

The members of a truss are pin connected at joint O. Determine the magnitude of F1 and its angle θ for equilibrium. Set F2=6 kN.

Figure 3.1: Engineering Mechanics: Statics Equilibrium of Particle
Figure 3.1/3.2


Free-body diagram:

Free-body-diagram-for-Problem-3.2 of Engineering Mechanics: Statics by Russell C. Hibbeler

Equations of Equilibrium:

The summation of forces in the x-direction:

\sum F_x & = 0 &\\
6 \sin 70 \degree + F_1 \cos \theta - 5 \cos 30 \degree - \dfrac {4}{5} \left(7 \right) & = 0 & \\
 F_1 \cos \theta & = 4.2920 & (1)

The summation of forces in the y-direction:

\sum F_y & =0 & \\
6 \cos 70 \degree+5 \sin 30 \degree - F_1 \sin \theta - \dfrac{3}{5} \left( 7 \right ) & =0 & \\
F_1 \sin \theta &=0.3521 & (2)\\

We came up with 2 equations with unknowns F_1 and \theta . To solve the equations simultaneously, we can use the method of substitution.

Using equation 1, solve for F_1 in terms of \theta .

F_1 \cos \theta & = 4.2920  &\\
F_1 & =\dfrac{4.2920}{ \cos \theta } & (3) \\

Now, substitute this equation (3) to equation (2).

F_1 \sin \theta & = 0.3521 \\
\left ( \dfrac {4.2920}{\cos \theta} \right) \sin \theta & =0.3521 \\
4.2920 \cdot \dfrac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} & = 0.3521 \\
4.2920 \tan \theta & = 0.3521 \\
\tan \theta & = \dfrac{0.3521}{4.2920} \\
\theta &= \tan ^{-1} \dfrac{0.3521}{4.2920} \\
\theta & = 4.69 \degree


Substitute the solved value of \theta to equation (3).

F_1 & = \dfrac{4.2920}{\cos \theta} \\
F_1 &= \dfrac{4.2920}{\cos 4.69 \degree} \\
F_1 & = 4.31 \text{kN}

Therefore, the answers to the questions are:

F_1= & \:4.31 \: \text {kN} \\
\theta = & \: 4.69 \degree

Statics 3.1 – Equilibrium of Truss Members in Pin Connection | Hibbeler 14th Edition

The members of a truss are pin connected at joint O. Determine the magnitudes of F1 and F2 for equilibrium. Set θ=60.

Figure 3.1: Engineering Mechanics: Statics Equilibrium of Particle
Figure 3.1


Free-body diagram:

Free-Body Diagram for Problem 3.1 of Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by Russell C. Hibbeler

Equations of Equilibrium:

Take the sum of horizontal forces considering forces to the right positive, and equate to zero.

\begin {aligned}

\sum{F}_x &= 0 & \\

F_1 \cos{60 \degree}+F_2 \sin{70 \degree}-5\cos{30 \degree}-\dfrac{4}{5}\left(7\right) &= 0 &\\

0.5F_1+0.9397F_2&=9.9301 &(1)\\

\end {aligned}

Take the sum of vertical forces considering upward forces positive, and equate to zero.


\sum F_y&=0 &\\

-F_1\sin60\degree+F_2\cos70\degree+5\sin30\degree-\dfrac{3}{5}\left(7\right)&=0 &\\

-0.8660F_1+0.3420F_2&=1.7 &(2)\\


Now, we have two equations with two unknowns F_1 and F_2 . So, we have a system of two equations. We can solve this using algebra, or we can directly use our calculator with this capability. The answers are

F_1=1.83 \: \text{kN}\\
F_2=9.60 \: \text{kN}

Chapter 3: Equilibrium of a Particle

Coplanar Force Systems

Problem 3

Problem 4

Problem 5

Problem 6

Problem 7

Problem 8

Problem 9

Problem 10

Problem 11

Problem 12

Problem 13

Problem 14

Problem 15

Problem 16

Problem 17

Problem 18

Problem 19

Problem 20

Problem 21

Problem 22

Problem 23

Problem 24

Problem 25

Problem 26

Problem 27

Problem 28

Problem 29

Problem 30

Problem 31

Problem 32

Problem 33

Problem 34

Problem 35

Problem 36

Problem 37

Problem 38

Problem 39

Problem 40

Problem 41

Problem 42

Three-Dimensional Force Systems

Problem 43

Problem 44

Problem 45

Problem 46

Problem 47

Problem 48

Problem 49

Problem 50

Problem 51

Problem 52

Problem 53

Problem 54

Problem 55

Problem 56

Problem 57

Problem 58

Problem 59

Problem 60

Problem 61

Problem 62

Problem 63

Problem 64

Problem 65

Problem 66

Problem 67

Hibbeler Statics 14E P2.2 — Resultant of a System of Two Forces

Determine the magnitude of the resultant force \textbf{F}_{\text{R}} = \textbf{F}_1 + \textbf{F}_2 and its direction, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis. 

Engineering Mechanics: Statics figure for Problem 2-3

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 13th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 2-1
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 2-3


The parallelogram law of the force system is shown.

Consider the triangle AOB.

Using cosine law to solve for the resultant force \textbf{F}_{\text{R}}

\textbf{F}_\text{R} & =\sqrt{\left(250\right)^2+\left(375\right)^2-2\left(250\right)\left(375\right) \cos\:75^{\circ} }\\
& =393.2 \ \text{lb}\\
& =393\:\text{lb}\\

The value of angle θ can be solved using sine law. 

\frac{393.2}{\sin\:\left(75^{\circ} \right)} & = \frac{250}{\sin\:\theta } \\
\sin \theta & = \frac{250 \ \sin75 \degree}{393.2}\\
\theta & =\sin^{-1} \left(\frac{250 \ \sin75 \degree}{393.2}\right)\\
\theta & = 37.89^{\circ}\\

Solve for the unknown angle \phi .

\phi =360^{\circ} -45^{\circ} +37.89^{\circ} =353^{\circ} 

The resultant force has a magnitude of 393 lb and is located 353º measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.


Computing the mass and weight of a man on earth and on the moon

If a man weighs 155 lb on earth, specify (a) his mass in slugs, (b) his mass in kilograms, and (c) his weight in newtons. If the man is on the moon, where the acceleration due to gravity is gm=5.30 ft/s², determine (d) his weight in pounds, and (e) his mass in kilograms.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 13th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-21
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-20


Part A

From the formula, \text{W}=\text{mg}, we can solve for the mass by dividing the weight by the acceleration due to gravity. That is

\text{m} & = \frac{\text{W}}{\textbf{g}}\\
& = \frac{155\ \text{lb}}{32.2 \ \text{ft/s}^2}\\
& = 4.81 \ \text{slug}\\

Part B

Convert the slug to kilograms, knowing that 1 slug = 14.59 kg.

\text{m} & = \left( \frac{155}{32.2} \text{slug}\right)\left( \frac{14.59 \ \text{kg}}{1 \ \text{kg}} \right)\\
& = 70.2 \ \text{kg}\\

Part C

Convert the 155 lb to newtons using 1 lb = 4.448 N.

\textbf{W} & = 155 \ \text{lb}\times \frac{4.448 \ \text{N}}{1 \ \text{lb}}\\
& = 689 \ \text{N}\\

Part D

Using the same formulas, but now \textbf{g}=5.30 \ \text{ft/s}^2.


Part E



The force of gravity acting between two particles

Two particles have a mass of 8 kg and 12 kg, respectively. If they are 800 mm apart, determine the force of gravity acting between them. Compare this result with the weight of each particle.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 13th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-20
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-21


The force of gravity acting between them:

\textbf{F} & =\textbf{G}\cdot \frac{\text{m}_1\text{m}_2}{\text{r}^2}\\
& =66.73\left(10^{-12}\right) \text{m}^3/ \left( \text{kg} \cdot \text{s}^2 \right)   \left[\frac{8 \  \text{kg} \left(12\ \text{kg}\right)}{\left(0.8\ \text{m} \right)^2}\right]\\
&=10\left(10^{-9}\right)\ \text{N}\\
& =10.0 \ \text{nN}\\

The weight of the 8 kg particle


Weight of the 12 kg particle



Expressing the Density of Water in SI Units

Water has a density of 1.94 slug/ft³. What is the density expressed in SI units? Express the answer to three significant figures.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 13th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-19
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-17


\rho _w & =\left(\frac{1.94\:\text{slug}}{1\:\text{ft}^3}\right)\left(\frac{14.59\:\text{kg}}{1\:\text{slug}}\right)\left(\frac{1\:\text{ft}^3}{0.3048^3\:\text{m}^3}\right) \\
& =\left(\frac{1.94\:\text{slug}}{1\:\text{ft}^3}\right)\left(\frac{14.59\:\text{kg}}{1\:\text{slug}}\right)\left(\frac{1\:\text{ft}^3}{0.3048^3\:\text{m}^3}\right) \\
& =999.6\:\frac{\text{kg}}{\text{m}^3}\\
& =1.00\:\text{Mg/m}^3\\


Showing How an Equation is Dimensionally Homogeneous

Using the SI system of units, show that Eq. 1–2 is a dimensionally homogeneous equation which gives F in newtons. Determine to three significant figures the gravitational force acting between two spheres that are touching each other. The mass of each sphere is 200 kg and the radius is 300 mm.

Engineering Mechanics: Statics 13th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-18
Engineering Mechanics: Statics 14th Edition by RC Hibbeler, Problem 1-15


To prove that F is in Newtons, we have

\text{F} & =\text{G}\cdot \frac{\text{m}_1\text{m}_2}{\text{r}^2}\\
& =\left(\frac{\text{m}^3}{\text{kg}\cdot \text{s}^2}\right)\left(\frac{\text{kg}\cdot \text{kg}}{\text{m}^2}\right)\\
& =\frac{\text{kg}\cdot \text{m}}{\text{s}^2}\\
& =\text{N}

Now, if we substitute the given values into the equation

\text{F} & = 66.73\left(10^{-12}\right)\left[\frac{200\left(200\right)}{0.6^2}\right]\\
& = 7.41\left(10^{-6}\right) \text{N}\\
& =7.41\ \mu  \text{N}\\


Problem 1-17| General Principles| Engineering Mechanics: Statics| RC Hibbeler

If an object has a mass of 40 slugs, determine its mass in kilograms.

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